Advertisement in elevator

Probably some 1/2 of Riga's inhabitants is defined by law as a criminals... Because they have downloaded at least a few films or music albums. People here are too poor to afford to buy the legal music or films in shops. Some 10 years ago many bought piratical CDs and DVDs in Riga's Central Market (and other markets), then came internet with it's infinite possibilities and, ironically, destroyed this piracy business.
I took this pic today in my house's elevator - Balticom, the leading internet provider of my neighbourhood has came with some interesting and provocative advertisement. Upper text on advert says: "When you download at a gigantic speed, you can become a criminal". On the black box which "criminal" holds in his hands is written: "3 films in 10 minutes". On the lower part is written: "Balticom asks to respect the law". Actually, they are promoting just the opposite :) Broadband internet speed here is really incredibly fast - Latvia is one of the leaders in the world, along with Japan, Estonia and a few other countries. Don't ask me why - I don't have a clue...
Advertisement in elevator
Reviewed by Ikars Kublins
Thursday, March 04, 2010
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