"Aldaris" beer factory

"Aldaris" beer factory is located on Sarkandaugava historical suburb and is one of the few good old Riga factories from Industrial revolution times which is still working. "Aldaris" is leading beer factory in Latvia (out of tens of them) - it's production occupies about 50% of all Latvian beer market. "Aldaris" has also licence to produce Carlsberg beer - Carlsberg beer which people buy in Baltic states is produced in "Aldaris".Here you see the historical complex - I think the real work today is going on in Soviet time buildings next by.
"Aldara" alus rūpnīca atrodas Sarkandaugavas vēsturiskajā piepilsētas rajonā un ir viena no nedaudzajām vecajām labajām Rīgas rūpnīcām no Industriālās revolūcijas laikiem, kas joprojām darbojas. "Aldaris" ir vadošā alus ražotne Latvijā (starp desmitiem citu) - tās produkcija aizņem aptuveni 50% no visa Latvijas alus tirgus. "Aldarim" ir licence ražot arī "Carlsberg" alu - "Carlsberg" alus, kas tiek pārdots Baltijā, ir ražots "Aldarī". Šajā foto redzami fabrikas vēsturiskie korpusi - domājams, ka īstais ražošanas darbs notiek padomju laika ēkās, kas ir turpat blakus.
"Aldaris" beer factory
Reviewed by Ikars Kublins
Wednesday, May 05, 2010
Aldaris beer factory must be quite OK - Carlsberg do not give licence to anyone ;-)
ReplyDeleteDont judge from the look of semi-abandoned historical complex buildings - Aldaris maybe have not renovated these buildings but as a beer producer it is more than "quite OK". Although I like Carlsberg beer very much, I think some of Aldaris beers (for example, Aldara Zelta - it is being filled in transparent bottles which confirm it's high quality) are just as good as Carlsberg.