Private housing & industry of electricity

Far far away, outside the official city borders, a new private houses is built in previously empty meadows. In the background you see the fat chimneys of Riga TEC-2. The purpose of their existence seems quite mysterious to me, because I have not seen smoke coming out of them (only from the thin high chimney which you can see in this picture).
Tālu tālu projām, ārpus pilsētas administratīvajam robežām, pirms tam tukšās pļavas ir tikušas apbūvētas ar jaunām privātmājām. Fonā redzami Rīgas TEC-2 "resnie" skursteņi. To pastāvēšanas jēga man nav skaidra, jo es nekad neesmu redzējis pa tiem kūpam dūmus (vienīgi no garā tievā skursteņa, kuru var redzēt šajā bildē).
Private housing & industry of electricity
Reviewed by Ikars Kublins
Saturday, May 08, 2010
Vai tad tie ir skursteņi vispār?
ReplyDeletePhoto riga, any chance of some more half hip gables roofs?
ReplyDeleteI want to build a barn in the European style for my warmblood. Unfortunately my designer has no idea what I am taking about.