Have a good sleep before drive

On the night of 23/24th June Latvia will celebrate "Jāņus" - ancient national tradition to celebrate the shortest night of year, being awake all night in nature at bonfires and drinking beer. And here starts the problem - you have to drive a car to get from countryside back to the city, and many do it in drunkenness state - that's why sometimes after Jāņi celebrations there are many road accidents and even fatalities. Road Traffic Safety Directorate every year before Jāņi starts anti-alcohol campaigns and this year they have placed a huge bed in the very centre of Riga with appeal to sleep off drunkenness before drive. As other options drawed on the bed there are offered - "loss of driver's licence", "death" and "prison".
Have a good sleep before drive
Reviewed by Ikars Kublins
Saturday, June 19, 2010
Haha - I laughed when I saw the bed. although you might need a few more blankets on it. Let's hope all party goers sleep it off before driving.
Melbourne Daily Photo