Abramovich's yacht

Every summer in Jurmala city there is happening international music contest "New Wave" and a lot of high-profile people attends it, especially from Russia. Also Russian billionaire Roman Abramovich's (the owner of Chelsea) yacht "Pelorus" have harboured at Riga passenger port - probably the most shocking fact about this >120 mio USD worth yacht is that it has even it's own antimissile defense system.
Sorry for the quality of this picture. It's taken with my mobile phone, and sadly it is now my only way to take new pictures. Today I get to know that I can bid farewell to my good old Nikon D40. I managed to broke it so completely that it's not possible to repair it (or it will cost so much that it doesn't make sense). If you like this blog and would want to see new and actual pictures in a decent quality, maybe you could help me to raise funds for a new camera (I'm thinking about Nikon D90)... by buying my pictures in full size from Istockphoto Or, if you're interested in other pictures by me, you can just e-mail me: ikarskublins@gmail.com.
Btw, maybe you have some working Nikon camera body (Nikon D40, D40x, D80 or so) which you don't use anymore and could sell it for a democratic price - especially if you're from Riga/Latvia?
Abramovich's yacht
Reviewed by Ikars Kublins
Friday, July 23, 2010
The cost of your new camera would be chicken feed to Mr. Abramovich. That is one sleek, huge and fantastic-looking yacht!
ReplyDeleteIkars, I love your photo blog and would donate if you had a pay pal account like Riga.in is doing. (well I will when I am back from Fiji).
ReplyDeleteTell me do you like the Nixon D40x? I got one and I think I have a problem with one of my lenses. It seems I have lost the autofocus. Any suggestions how to fix it?
Angella the dumb hostralian who doesn't know anything about photography but nevertheless has really great equipment.
Ps I think Mr Abramovich is quite hot, for a bloke who sold yellow plastic ducks.
Thanks, Angella, I am thinking about setting up similar donation account like riga.in.
ReplyDeleteI had Nikon D40 and was very pleased with it's quality - I think D40x should be very similar camera. About the autofocus I don't know (and apparently after what I did with my camera I'm not the right guy to ask advice :) ) - but haven't you just switched to manual focus (the button on the lenses)? It sometimes happens accidentally, while camera is in bag, and then autofocus doesn't work. Also, D40 and D40x was some issue with the autofocus regarding to specific lenses - lenses without the built-in autofocus doesn't work on those cameras in autofocus mode (because camera itself doesn't have autofocus or smt like that).
Thanks Ikars, I think its the lense. Happens occassionally (like when your trying to take really good photo of the pacific ocean from a bus full of fijains or the hotel in Suva where james a michigin wrote 'tales of the pacific'.
ReplyDeletePS you were more help then the turds at Nixon where. Kind regards from Suva.