Tallest tower in EU?

The hot temperatures of this summer have done some interesting thing here - elongated Riga TV Tower and made it the highest structure in European Union. When the temperature is at least 32 C (and it has been around it more than a week now in Riga), Riga TV Tower (368,0 m) lengthens for several centimetres, and thus surpasses it's closest rival - Berlin TV tower (368,03 m). Riga TV tower in the effect of heat lengthens much more than Berlin one, because Riga tower are made of steel, while Berlin one - most of it's part from concrete. This is what Latvian Television have told recently.
However, there are other measurements which shows that Riga TV tower is the highest in EU also without the help of hot temperatures, at least wikipedia says so: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_tallest_freestanding_structures_in_the_world
Tallest tower in EU?
Reviewed by Ikars Kublins
Thursday, July 15, 2010
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