Vaškevičs' house

One of the hottest topics in last days in Latvia is new corruption scandal - well known and "shady" person Vladimirs Vaškevičs is detained for accusation of giving EUR 50 000 bribe to high State Revenue Service official. When watching the TV news yesterday, I noticed this house - it turns out it is the house of Vaškevičs' ex-wife Ināra Vilkaste, where he still lives with her often. When I took this photo last spring, I had no clue that this house belong to so ill-famed people. And now it's clear to me why that guy (in the lower left corner), apparently a guard of the house came to me and wanted me to go away and don't take pictures, although I was standing on the street (public place) and he had no rights to send me away. But, as the saying goes - dog knows what he has ate, and such kind of people are thinking they're above any law.
Vaškevičs' house
Reviewed by Ikars Kublins
Wednesday, February 02, 2011
It looks like a mansion not surprising to learn all this story...