Low-floor trams invade Riga

This week I noticed that new low-floor trams on Barona street (first modernised tram line no.6) have started to run in very high intensity. In just about 10 minutes I spotted at least 4 modern trams, some of them in testing mode though. In total 20 new modern trams will be delivered from Škoda factory to Rigain 1st stage of low-floor tram project. I like that they make some contrast to old historical quarters in centre and make the city to look more modern and progressive.
It's interesting coincidence - I take shots of modern trams only in those days when I manage to sell my photos :). This time I sold several hundreds of pictures to Riga main tourism promoter - Riga Tourism Development Bureau which holds the brand Live Riga.

Low-floor trams invade Riga
Reviewed by Ikars Kublins
Friday, March 25, 2011
Good work, and your photos will do a fine job selling Riga ;-)