Petit Paris

One of rare new apartment buildings which has found a place in densely built Riga historical centre got name "Petit Paris". It plays with Riga's "small Paris" concept and creates some distinctive aura for Melngaiļa street which isn't very appealing overally - it is surrounded by "Skonto" stadium", some half-demolished wreck and a bunch of smaller houses.

Petit Paris
Reviewed by Ikars Kublins
Saturday, March 26, 2011
Saw this building so many times, but never thought about Paris. But on your picture it really looks like it. Nice! You probably know "Viestura dārzs"? It is one of my favorite places in the city. If you will get a chanse to take some pictures there, I'll be very happy, because it could be very interesting to see how it looks through your lense :)