Suburban boredom

Scene of Sarkandaugava suburb from last spring - few teenagers killing the time on the street. Life in Riga historical suburbs sometimes resembles poorest small towns in Latvia - provincial atmosphere with some drunkards here and there... Don't get me wrong, architecturally they are very interesting places, but for the people who lives there the possibilities of entertainment are almost zero - all the culture, entertainment and other "city life" activities are concentrated in centre. Soviet time commieblock districts where population density is higher are more lively - although also there main "attraction" is usually only the nearest shopping mall. But I guess, that's rather typical situation for all cities. Is it different in yours?
Suburban boredom
Reviewed by Ikars Kublins
Sunday, March 13, 2011
Here in Holland, the same, only difference, in city centres its also boring :P Riga is lively :)