My favorite building

Call my taste weird if you want but out of all buildings in Riga (yes, also those Art Nouveau beauties!) this is one of my favorite, maybe even #1. I saw this building in my dream last night that's why I decided that I should post picture of it today. I will show this building from other side (believe, there IS a difference!) tomorrow, then also will write something more about itself, but today I'll tell you my interesting, almost lucid dream:
I was a small kid, and was forced by some adults from secret service to do "intelligence work" - I had to get inside the building and count how many flats are there. Quite a hard task, isn't it? :) So I pretended that I'm visiting my aunt or smt, and one lady let me get inside through code doors; the staircase area was narrow and quite dark (there weren't windows) yet cosy; then I took a lift which has a window inside and get up to highest floor, then back down - I saw whole panorama of right bank Riga, Zolitūde (in realistic movement!) - but as I was close to wake-up, my critical mind was already active and I noticed some illogical things in skyline, for example, Saules Akmens building was somewhere in Babīte, and in Zolitūde there were some red buildings too, but there aren't in reality - and I knew it in dream, partly already knowing that I'm dreaming! Soon after I wake up. Have to say, I have never been inside that fantastic building and don't have a clue how it looks inside in reality, but I'm pretty sure that it hasn't a lift with window. :)
I even have an explanation for the dream - in real life I'm half-time journalist and today I spend all day writing an article about new planned regulations related to buildings' cadastral surveying in Latvia. So those conceptions of normative acts were really like a large, complicated building I had to explore :).

Here my older (2006 or 2007) picture:

My favorite building
Reviewed by Ikars Kublins
Tuesday, May 10, 2011
It's big, and red. Fun dream.