Tropical Riga

It's summer hotness and thunderstorm season in Riga currently - although many people from south find hard to believe it, July can be quite a tropical here. If you open Europe temperature map, you can see that Riga currently is one of the hottest places to be in Europe. Hotness comes with powerful thunderstorms - one of them yesterday raged in the city for about 4 hours. Heavy rain and hailstones even knocked out windows in some houses, but one abandoned building's wall came down after stroke of lightning. Those shots I took from window when the thunderstorm still flashed blue light show in the distance (1st picture) while clearer skies came from the other side (2nd picture). Btw, you can compare the same views in winter: and

Tropical Riga
Reviewed by Ikars Kublins
Friday, July 22, 2011
summer evenings are somehow the most intense moments in life; if you know what I mean; the smells, the colours, everything seems much clearer and amazing