White Night in Riga

Riga is one of the cities where "European White Nights" event are happening. This event was started by Paris in 2002 and similar events are held also in Brussels, Madrid, Rome and Riga. For one night in September, these cities hosts a series of free concerts, circus shows, theatrical performances, street art, film screenings, special activities and fine art exhibitions.
Riga's White Night yesterday were rich in quantity - overall 68 events happened all around the city centre and suburbs. I couldn't managed to visit all, of course, but I saw some 15.
In the first picture you see cinematic projection on grain elevator in Andrejsala industrial district.
There happened also concerts of alternative rock artists such as The Wow:

In one of Old Town's art basements it was possible to see 3D cinema projections. Take a 3D glasses and maybe you can see it even in photo? :D

The "Death" scared by-passers on Ģertrūdes street, at one of main artistic centres yesterday. Whole 5 story building were devoted to different installations and exhibitions...

The same place in courtyard. This is symbolizing "eco-city":

Building's staircase:

Another courtyard with some post metal band performance:

Back to 60ies in Miera street where exposition "Space Age" were held in one apartment:

3D illusions in Vidzeme market pavillion:

Industrial music concert in Vidzeme market pavillion, the music and the building's interior greatly supplemented each other:

White Night in Riga
Reviewed by Ikars Kublins
Sunday, September 11, 2011
Wow, looks like a real interesting event. Thanks for sharing!