9th May fireworks in Riga | "Uzvaras diena", 9. maijs, salūts

On 9th May Russia celebrates victory in World War 2. Riga has a large Russian community and these people celebrates too. They come together in Uzvaras park for speeches, concerts, and it all ends with a fireworks (which I saw and managed to take some shots of them from my window, from about 8 km distance). Latvians is mostly annoyed by these celebrations because: 1) For Latvia this date means no victory but the continuous occupation of USSR for another 45 years; 2) Many Russians in the park demonstrates alien ideology and symbols - they carry around Russia's and even Soviet Union flags (USSR symbolic is forbidden in Latvia). Well, at least one good thing from this day, it's the fireworks...

9th May fireworks in Riga | "Uzvaras diena", 9. maijs, salūts
Reviewed by Ikars Kublins
Wednesday, May 09, 2012
Nice firework pictures!
ReplyDeleteOne question: If Soviet symbols are forbidden in Latvia, do they make an exception for this day (as you write that people wear those flags etc. anyway)?
In Germany, Nazi symbols (especially the swastika, the fascist salute etc.) are also forbidden in public and one mustn't show them during demonstrations. You would definitely be fined if you did (Even at militaria fairs where collectors show off and sell their medals etc. they must hide the swastikas).
That's why I'm asking how they handle this in Larvia - do they just ignore this or do they ask those people with Soviet symbols to remove them?