Kaķasēkļa dambis 22, Mazā Vējzaķu sala

Kaķasēkļa dambis (Cat's Shelf Dam) is a small street in industrial area in Riga where only a few living houses are located. It's actually quite close to centre, but despite of it is earning the title "nowhere", because those houses are very isolated from the rest of the (liveable) city. All around mostly harsh industrial environment and closest public transport stop almost 1,5 km away. And it looks like there is some problem with regular television antens too, because everyone has installed a satellite dish. [full_width]
Kaķasēkļa dambis 22, Mazā Vējzaķu sala
Reviewed by Ikars Kublins
Thursday, July 05, 2012
Tomorrow I will go to Yellow Stone National Park, in Montana, U.S.A. I do not know if I could read this these next days.
Have a great trip, Tomás! and don't worry about visiting the blog, I'm sure you will check out the updates after returning! :)