13. janvāra iela 8 - Kino Citadele

Riga's main cinema, Forum Cinemas branch "Kino Citadele" has 14 halls, largest one having 715 seats and the smallest ones - 96 seats. Have seen many movies here. Being the commercial mass cinema, between the usual blockbuster industry production (primitive thrillers, silly comedies or animated movies) there happens to be also really excellent movies. The recent one I loved so much that I went to see it even 2 times, was "Cloud Atlas". Now I look forward to "Life of Pi" in 3D which will be started to air this Friday. [full_width]
13. janvāra iela 8 - Kino Citadele
Reviewed by Ikars Kublins
Monday, December 17, 2012
Very nice shot !! (THE MASTER OF THE NIGHT,still you deserves the title).