Kronvalda park fountain in windy day. Kronvalda park fountain is not only attractive cityscape design element but also a nice refreshment in hot summer days. Don't know whether it's allowed to step in, but in a more windy day like the one in the photo, one can easily catch a shower of the water drops. It wasn't easy to take these shots of Kronvalda fountain - there has to coincede 4 elements: a moment when fountain's squirt was high, when wind was strong, when sun was shining and when people didn't walked in front of it. So, in overall I spent more than half an hour and took some 30 shots to choose these two. SEE ALSO Kronvalda park fountain in interactive lighting in "blue hour"
Kronvalda parka strūklaka vējainā dienā. Kronvalda parka strūklaka ir ne tikai atraktīvs pilsētvides dizaina elements, bet arī laba iespēja atsvaidzināties karstās vasaras dienās. Nezinu, vai ļauts tajā iekāpt, bet vējainākās dienās nav grūti noķert ūdens pilienu dušu. APSKATI ARĪ Kronvalda parka strūklaku interaktīvā izgaismojumā "zilajā stundā"
It wasn't easy to take these shots of Kronvalda fountain today - there has to coincede 4 elements: a moment when fountain's squirt was high, when wind was strong, when sun was shining and when people didn't walked in front of it. So, in overall I spent more than half an hour and took some 30 shots to choose these two.
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