Theme Day: Squares at urban sunset

At first I interpreted squares as the public places in the city but then decided why not continue the theme day in the context with last month's theme - triangles. So here you have some squares from Riga with also sun circle on them - who knows maybe June theme day will be circles?? Take a look at squares in other cities photo blogs.
The weather this April is amazing in Riga. Already before May almost all nature (even largest trees) are green, and the sun is shining for more than week constantly now (except nighttime, of course :D)! That's why I can offer you another beautiful sunset which looks like taken somewhere close to Equator. This time with more urban touch - the skyscraper silhouette is made by Skanstes Virsotnes apartment highrises in Skanste district. [full_width]
Theme Day: Squares at urban sunset
Reviewed by Ikars Kublins
Tuesday, April 29, 2014
Marvellous shot ! (master...).
ReplyDeleteWhat a great photo you captured here.
ReplyDeleteI envy you for this picture, very nice!
ReplyDeleteGood shot.
ReplyDeletecleverly done!
ReplyDeleteWonderful photograph with the most beautiful of squares.
ReplyDeleteNice squares and the circle... lovely picture for the theme day!