Elizabetes street scape | Elizabetes ielas skats
Elizabetes street scape. Three of the architect Mikhail Eisenstein's designed decorative art nouveau buildings meets one another on Elizabetes street. This is Riga's "pop architecture" which is admired by city's guests. No wonder, a tourist can discover a world of wonders here - a huge density of phantasmagoric ornaments on the buildings facades and an outstanding overall look.
Elizabetes ielas skats. Trīs no iespaidīgākajām Mihaila Eizenšteina radītajām dekoratīvā jūgendstila ēkām satiekas Elizabetes ielā, pie krustojuma ar Antonijas ielu. Šī ir Rīgas "popsīgā" arhitektūra, ko apbrīno daudzi pilsētas viesi, un ne bez pamata. Tūristam šeit tiešām paveras brīnumu pasaule - milzīgs daudzums ar dažādiem fantasmagoriskiem elementiem ēku fasādēs un arī satriecošs koptēls.
Three Mikhail Eisenstein's beauties meets one another on Elizabetes street. This is Riga's "popsy" architecture which is admired by city's guests. And it is truly charming, to my mind. There are not much places in Europe where you can spot such a density of so ornated, phantasmagoric buildings.
Elizabetes street scape | Elizabetes ielas skats
Reviewed by Ikars Kublins
Saturday, March 16, 2019
I think you're right.
Lieliska bilde.