Boats on Daugava | Laivas Daugavā

Mysterious boats on Daugava river in Riga centre, evening of 30th October. I have no idea of what they were doing there. Edited: Some people told me that they're just fishermen who wants to catch perches which are active at the time. Where else you can see fishermen in the middle of European capital city? :)

Mistiskas laivas Daugavā, 30. oktobra vakarā. Nav ne jausmas, kāpēc tās tur atradās un ko darīja. Papildināts: Vairāki cilvēki izteikuši domu, ka tie ir vienkārši makšķernieki, kuri vēlas noķert zandartus, kas šajā laikā pārvietojoties Daugavā.

Boats on Daugava | Laivas Daugavā
Reviewed by Ikars Kublins
Saturday, October 31, 2015

Very, very, very Nice shots !!!