View from television tower at night to Riga central part - in forefront, Salu bridge and part of Maskavas district with Science academy highrise, then centre and Radisson Blu hotel highrise (to the left), and in background even smoke from Bolderāja wood processing factories are visible. Skats no televīzijas torņa naktī uz Rīgas centra pusi. Priekšplānā Salu tilts un daļa no Maskavas forštates ar Zinātņu akadēmijas augstceltni, tālāk centrs un Radisson Blu viesnīcas augstceltne (pa kreisi), bet tālumā pat redzami dūmi no Bolderājas kokapstrādes rūpnīcām.
View from TV tower to centre | Skats no TV torņa uz centru
Reviewed by Ikars Kublins
Friday, May 27, 2016
Rating: 5
Visual and informative guide to Riga city. Photos and descriptions of tourism sights, culture venues, shops, real estate, transport and many more places
Very very good shot !!