Imanta - 80ies Vs 2000's

Two apartment highrise projects by the same architect Zane Kalinka - the right one is built in Soviet times (80ies) and the 5 highrises to the left - finished in 2006. Which one do you prefer?
Divi Imantas augstceltņu dzīvojamie projekti no vienas arhitektes Zanes Kalinkas, ar 20 gadu atstarpi - pa labi padomju laiku, bet pa kreisi 2006. gadā pabeigtās "trekno gadu" augstceltnes. Kurai jūs dotu priekšroku?
Imanta - 80ies Vs 2000's
Reviewed by Ikars Kublins
Friday, September 30, 2016

Great images! I think I prefer those with the biggest windows and if they are modern and painted in light colours inside I could have moved in straight away.... if I had the money and lived in your big city.