Riga City Council plenary hall. This is the place where decisions about Riga's management and development are being made - Riga municipality plenary hall with 60 deputies seats. The hall is located in the modern extension of the Townhall building. The small Jauniela street is visible through the hall windows.
Rīgas domes plenārsēžu zāle. Rīgas domes sēžu zālē ar 60 deputātu vietām tiek pieņemti lēmumi par pilsētas pārvaldību un attīstību. Sēžu zāle iekārtota modernajā rātsnama aizmugures piebūvē, piekļaujoties Mazajai Jaunielai (redzama pa sēžu zāles logiem).
Riga Council plenary hall | Rīgas domes sēžu zāle
Reviewed by Ikars Kublins
Friday, June 02, 2017
Rating: 5
Visual and informative guide to Riga city. Photos and descriptions of tourism sights, culture venues, shops, real estate, transport and many more places
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