North-western part of centre (so called "quiet centre") is one of most prestige and richest areas of Riga. Here most of buildings are renovated, however even there are few rusted rooftops and neglected facades. Largest eye-sore, neglected but originally very beautiful building is Vilandes street 11 which I have shown earlier.
Ziemeļrietumu daļa no Rīgas centra jeb tā sauktais "Klusais centrs" ir viena no prestižākajām un bagātākajām Rīgas vietām. Šeit lielākais vairums ēku ir renovētas, tomēr pat te redzami daži rūsējuši jumti un nolaistas fasādes. Lielākais bēdu stāsts, protams, ir Vīlandes iela 11.
Quiet centre aerial | Klusais centrs no augšas
Reviewed by
Ikars Kublins
Friday, September 08, 2017
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