Parks of Riga


BASTEJKALNS PARK. Bastejkalns, an artifical hill made in 19th Century and Riga canal which flows next to it, is a green, romantic environment where to feel the breath of nature. Winding paths, larger and smaller bridges, water cascade, by-passing boats (in summer) makes it a great place to relax.
KRONVALDA PARK. The main attraction in Kronvalda park is the largest fountain in Riga which is also presented as the first interactive fountain in Europe. Every by-passer can regulate the fountain's water flow with his hand movements. In the dark time of day, fountain shines in lights of 7 different colors.
ZIEDONDARZA PARK. Recently restored beautiful and well-functioning park in Riga centre eastern part with a historical fountain, cobblestoned paths, sports fields, grass lawns, many benches and night lighting.
UZVARAS PARK. The largest park in Riga (30 ha) boasts not only with it's vast space for physical activities (running, rollerskating, skiing, etc.) but also first sakura plantations in the city. There is also a soviet-built Victory monument devoted to USSR victory over Nazi Germany in WW2.
ZIEMELBLAZMA PARK. French style park surrounding Ziemelblazma culture palace, dates back from 1903. In recent years it has been restored, making the place as one of the most beautiful green landscapes in Riga.
MEZAPARKS. Mezaparks is somewhere between a park and a wild nature - basically it's a forest with paved asphalt paths. There is also largest open air stage in Latvia, Zoological garden and Kisezers lake near by.
ETHNOGRAPHIC OPEN AIR MUSEUM. In another pine forest next to another lake (Jugla lake), there is a rich and interesting collection of old, traditional buildings from all regions of Latvia. The place to become acquainted with authentic architecture traditions of Latvian countryside.
Parks of Riga
Reviewed by Ikars Kublins
Sunday, March 17, 2019

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