Streets of Riga


ELIZABETES STREET. One of the most luxurious and architecturally richest streets in Riga - buildings in it's northwestern part are mostly renovated embassies in Ecclecticism style, further - some of the best Riga's Art Nouveau examples.
BARONA STREET. One of the most impressive streets of historical centre, 3 kilometres long street filled with many grand and interesting buildings as well as shops, cafes and other signs of urban vitality.
GERTRUDES STREET. Most beautiful part of this street is the area around Old Gertrude church. It is one of the most scenic Riga churches and it's surrounded by several wonderful buildings from the beginning of 20th Century.
TROKSNU STREET. The most narrow and very charming street in Riga Old Town, leading along former fortification wall with old, authentic houses and some beautiful courtyards.
TORNA STREET. Torna street is located parallel to Troksnu street, on the outside of medieval Riga border. It stretches next to once longest building in the city - Jacob's barracks which now houses exquisite restaurants, cafes, shops.
BRIVIBAS STREET. One of the longest and most important transport arteries of Riga which goes through whole right bank of the city in more than 12 km, crossing several districts built in different time periods and thus with very diverse architectural heritage.
KRISJANA VALDEMARA STREET. One of the most urban streets in Riga centre, Valdemara street leads from Vansu bridge to the North-Eastern exit of city's central part. Mostly built up with 5-7 floor historical masonry buildings, many interesting and worth-to-see examples between them.
ALEKSANDRA CAKA STREET. Another one of major centre streets, named after urban poet who devoted many of his lyrics to Riga and this street (which had different name back then, of course). Caka street then was Riga's "red light" district, nowadays it's one of the most neglected centre streets - but architecture is great there too.
LACPLESA STREET. One of main south-north direction streets in Riga centre with many impressive historical buildings, as well as a small hill in one part of it - that's unusual because other parralel streets (just couple of hundred metres away) are flat.
TERBATAS STREET. More pedestrian-oriented street which has not only great buildings but also quite many shops and cafes.
Streets of Riga
Reviewed by Ikars Kublins
Sunday, March 17, 2019

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