Deglava bridge.Deglava bridge connects Riga centre south-eastern part (Grizinkalns) with Purvciems district over the railway lines. The bridge made the news in April 2019 when it was closed to motor traffic due to doubts about it's durability, it created huge traffic jams in other parts of the city. The bridge was built in 1966. Augusta Deglava tilts. Deglava tilts savieno Rīgas centra dienvidaustrumus (Grīziņkalnu) ar Purvciemu. Tilts nokļuva uzmanības centrā 2019. gada aprīlī, kad tas tika slēgts auto satiksmei, jo radās šaubas par tā nestspēju. Tas radīja lielus satiksmes sastrēgumus citās pilsētas vietās. Deglava tilts ir celts 1966. gadā.
Deglava bridge | Augusta Deglava tilts
Reviewed by Ikars Kublins
Saturday, April 27, 2019
Rating: 5
Visual and informative guide to Riga city. Photos and descriptions of tourism sights, culture venues, shops, real estate, transport and many more places
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