Electric scooters. Electric scooters has rapidly started their victory march in Riga. There are several companies offering them for rent, people also buy them for everyday use. As in other cities, e-scooters in Riga even more emphasize the problem of coexistence on streets with other modes of transport (or pedestrians), and in Riga's case it's even more harsh because there is not even appropriate infrastructure for bicycles, let alone scooters. In this photo you see two rental electric scooters on the background of 18th November street, which is one of most dangerous Riga streets for less protected drivers such as bicyclists, scooterists... Recently there motorcyclist crashed with bicyclist, thankfully there weren't serious injuries in this incident.
Elektriskie skrejriteņi. Elektriskie skrejriteņi strauji sākuši savu uzvaras gājienu arī Rīgā, taču Rīgā vēl jo asāk tas aktualizē nesakārtotās infrastruktūras problēmu un e-skūteristu sadzīvošanu ar citiem pārvietošanās veidiem. Rīgā aizvien nav visaptverošas, piemērotas veloinfrasruktūras, līdz ar to arī elektrisko skrejriteņu vadītājiem nākas saskarties ar mūžīgo dilemmu - braukt pa ietvi un traucēt gājējiem, vai pa brauktuvi un nereti riskēt ar dzīvību.
Electric scooters | Elektriskie skrejriteņi
Reviewed by
Ikars Kublins
Tuesday, July 16, 2019
They seem to be popular and problematic at the same time.