Kipsala highrises cityscape from Vansu bridge. At the Pardaugava end point of Vansu bridge a view to southern part of Kipsala island & beyond is visible. This area was intended as Riga's central business and modern highrise district. There are 3 new towers constructed (Swedbank to the left and Z-Towers to the right, in distance) in time span of 15 years. In the middle between them the old and ugly soviet time highrise of Preses nams still stands as a ghost. There have been old plans to reconstruct it, there are some new plans again but who knows if and when they get realized.
Ķīpsalas augstceltņu ainava no Vanšu tilta. Vanšu tilta Pārdaugavas galā paveras skats uz Ķīpsalas dienvidu daļu un Daugavgrīvas ielas teritoriju aiz tās. Šī teritorija savus Rīgas centrālā biznesa augstceltņu rajona sapņus ir sen izsapņojusi, atliek tikai cerēt, ka reiz vismaz pienāks brīdis, kad tiks gaumīgi rekonstruēts neglītais Preses nams, kas kā mieru neradis spoks bojā skatu starp Swedbankas un Z-torņu debesskrāpjiem.
Kipsala highrises cityscape from Vansu bridge
Reviewed by
Ikars Kublins
Sunday, July 07, 2019
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