Riga skyline from Dom square. This view shows higher perspective from Dom square to North-East direction with Old Town and centre rooftops, also Skanste district skyline in background. Below to the right you see Latvia Radio building - national public radio broadcasting headquarters, to the left - Riga bourse Foreign Art museum building, and St Jacob's cathedral above it. Rīgas panorāma no Doma laukuma. Šajā bildē redzama augstāka perspektīva no Doma laukuma ziemeļrietumu virzienā ar Vecrīgas un centra jumtiem, kā arī Skanstes rajona augstceltnēm tālumā. Lejā pa labi redzama Latvijas Radio ēka, pa kreisi - Ārzemju mākslas muzejs, virs kura lepni nolūkojas Jēkaba baznīcas tornis.
Riga skyline from Dom square
Reviewed by Ikars Kublins
Friday, July 05, 2019
Rating: 5
Visual and informative guide to Riga city. Photos and descriptions of tourism sights, culture venues, shops, real estate, transport and many more places
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