Arkadijas park from above. Arkadijas park, named after an idyllic mountainous region of Greece, is one of Riga's green left bank parks, located between Torņakalns and Agenskalns districts. In this aerial perspective it's water and pathway networks are visible. The ponds in the park are created by Mārupīte river. There is also a small hill in the park centre. Arkādijas parks no augšas. Arkādijas parks, kurš nosaukts par godu kādam idilliskam Grieķijas kalnu reģionam, ir viens no zaļās Pārdaugavas parkiem. Šajā aero foto perspektīvā redzams tā ūdensceļu un ietvju tīkls. Parka dīķus izveidojusi Mārupīte. Parka centrā atrodas arī neliels pakalns.
Arkādijas park from above
Reviewed by Ikars Kublins
Thursday, September 26, 2019
Rating: 5
Visual and informative guide to Riga city. Photos and descriptions of tourism sights, culture venues, shops, real estate, transport and many more places
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