Maskavas street southern end. This is entrance to Riga city from southern side - dual carriageway from Daugavpils direction. Photo is taken in the morning when the main traffic flows to Riga centre. It looks like the transport situation is getting worse in Riga - the amount of cars increases and the crippling infrastructure can't cope with it. Also the public transport isn't a solution - it's not comfortable to use it, there is no park & ride system built, and also the bicycle road infrastructure is very fragmented. So, to move around Riga becomes harder and harder.
Maskavas ielas dienvidu gals. Rīgas transporta "vārti" no dienvidu puses - Daugavpils šosejas. Foto uzņemts no rīta, kad galvenā satiksmes plūsma ir virzienā uz Rīgas centru. Transporta situācija Rīgā pasliktinās - automašīnu skaits pieaug un novecojusī infrastruktūra netiek ar to galā. Arī sabiedriskais transports nav risinājums, jo to nav ērti lietot, nav izbūvēta park & ride sistēma, un arī normāli veloceliņi Rīgā ir ļoti maz. Pārvietoties galvaspilsētā kļūst arvien nepatīkamāk.
Maskavas street southern end
Reviewed by
Ikars Kublins
Thursday, September 19, 2019
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