Monument of George Armitsted. George Armitsted was Riga mayor in the beginning of 20th Century (1901-1912) and his word is written in the city's history as the most succesful mayor of Riga. It's hard to tell how largely Riga's success at that time was due to mayor's work but it's known that Armitsted had good and wise priorities - both social care and education was developed at his time (16 schools built). Overally, Riga experienced a tremendous growth back then, hundreds of Art Nouveau and Eclecticism buildings were built, forming the city's centre as we know it today. The monument of George Armitsted was unveiled in 2006 when Queen of the United Kingdom Elizabeth II visited Riga (she participated in the monument opening ceremony). It's located in the green zone in Boulevard Ring area, next to Riga canal and National Opera building. Interesting story is related with Chow Chow breed dog which is visible in front of the monument. It's known that Armitsted indeed had a dog but it's unknown of what breed it was. However, Chow Chow breed dog belonged to the local millionaire Eugeny Gomberg who financed the monument, and... exatly at the time when the monument was made, his dog died in a tragic accident (supposedly Gomberg himself drove over dog with his car). So, there are speculations that Gomberg has actually managed to include his own dog in the monument's sculpture group...
Džordža Armitsteda piemineklis. Džordžs Armitsteds bija Rīgas mērs 20.gadsimta sākumā (1901-1912) un viņa vārds ir ierakstīts Rīgas vēsturē kā visu laiku veiksmīgākais pilsētas vadītājs. Grūti pateikt, cik lielā mērā Rīgas fenomenālajā to laiku izaugsmē bija Armitsteda nopelns, taču zināms ir tas, ka Armitstedam bija pareizas un gudras prioritātes - pilsētā tika risināti gan sociālie jautājumi, gan attīstītas izglītības iespējas (uzceltas 16 skolas). Piemineklis Armitstedam un viņa sievai tika atklāts 2006. gadā, Anglijas karalienes Elizabetes II vizītes laikā (viņa pati arī piedalījās pieminekļa atklāšanā). Interesants stāsts ir saistīts ar čau-čau šķirnes suņa skulptūru, kas redzama stāvam priekšplānā Armitstedam un viņa kundzei. Zināms, ka Armitstedam tiešām bijis suns, taču nav zināms, vai tas bijis tieši čau-čau šķirnes. Taču tieši čau-čau šķirnes suns piederēja vietējam miljonāram Jevgeņijam Gombergam, kurš finansēja pieminekļa izveidi, turklāt tieši laikā, kad ritēja darbs pie pieminekļa, viņa suns esot traģiski gājis bojā, pašam Gombergam notriecot to ar savu auto, braucot atpakaļgaitā. Tā nu pastāv spekulācijas (turklāt gan paša Gomberga, gan dažādu amatpersonu izvairīgās atbildes piešķir tām visai lielu ticamību), ka Armitsteda pieminekļa skulptūru grupā redzamais suns ir tieši bojāgājušais Gomberga suns...
Monument of George Armitsted | Džordža Armitsteda piemineklis
Reviewed by
Ikars Kublins
Tuesday, November 05, 2019
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