Ranka dam. Ranka dam (together with Daugavgrivas street) is an important traffic road which connects Northern parts of left bank Riga with the city centre. In this place it's a junction point also to several main directions outside Riga - to the right it's the way to seaside resort Jurmala town (20 km) and Ventspils (180 km) in Western Latvia, by going straight one goes to Southern direction to Bauska town (60 km) and Lithuania border (80 km). On background you see four (from this point of view it looks like they're two but actually 2+2) new highrises, Philosohers Residence and Z-Towers. The first ones were built in a few years time in recent years but Z-Towers has a long and hard construction history since 2006. They're still not officially approved and recently there was even a scandal when the head of Construction Board, Inguss Vircavs came public by telling that the current mayor of Riga, Olegs Burovs, has made a pressure to put the towers in the service although there are several important technical problems still unresolved.
Raņķa dambis. Nozīmīgā satiksmes mezgla Raņķa dambja apkārtne kļuvusi par Pārdaugavas jaunbūvju attīstības centru - šajā bildē redzami četri (2+2) augstceltņu torņi - Filozofu rezidence un Z-torņi - no kuriem pēdējie aizvien nav pieņemti ekspluatācijā. Nesen publiskajā telpā pat izskanēja skandāls, Rīgas būvvaldes vadītājam Ingum Vircavam nākot klajā ar paziņojumu, ka Rīgas mērs Oļegs Burovs izdarījis uz Būvvaldi spiedienu, lai Z-Torņi tiktu pieņemti ekspluatācijā, lai gan būtiskas tehniskas problēmas aizvien nav atrisinātas.
Ranka dam | Raņķa dambis
Reviewed by
Ikars Kublins
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Vaitad Z-towers bija tehniskas problemas?
ReplyDeleteJā, piemēram, nepareizi izbūvēt kanalizācija šobrīd ir viena no problēmām. Te vairāk: https://mobile.twitter.com/vircavs/status/1191665808247836674/photo/2