The "Knowledge Mile". New buildings of Latvian University (House of Nature and House of Science) together with National Library building forms the southern part of so called "Knowledge Mile" - a part of left bank Riga which is developed as a science, education and innovation area (the northern part of "Knowledge Mile" is Riga Technical University campus). Latvian University complex is intended to develop further there, the construction of a third building is scheduled to finish there in 2022. As you can see, this area is located very close to city centre, right across the Daugava river (in most other cities the student campuses are more on the outskirts). "Zināšanu jūdze".Jaunās Latvijas Universitātes ēkas (Dabas māja un Zinātņu māja) kopā ar Nacionālo bibliotēku veido dienvidu daļu tā sauktajai "Zināšanu jūdzei" - nosacītam kreisā krasta apvidum, kas aptver teritoriju starp LU un RTU studiju kompleksiem un ko iecerēts attīstīt par izglītības, zinātnes un inovāciju teritoriju. Latvijas Universitātes komplekss turpinās plesties un kā trešā ēka šeit taps "Rakstu māja", ko paredzēts uzcelt līdz 2022. gadam.
The "Knowledge Mile" | "Zināšanu jūdze"
Reviewed by Ikars Kublins
Saturday, November 30, 2019
Rating: 5
Visual and informative guide to Riga city. Photos and descriptions of tourism sights, culture venues, shops, real estate, transport and many more places
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